Waste disposal strategy for better quality of life: Asia and Europe in search of solutions for controlled waste management

The largely unregulated waste management poses grave problems in many Asian cities. The need to organize waste management systematically and communicate this to people requires a lot of awareness training, good networking, a clear focus on results and a great deal of patience. Key individuals on all levels must be involved in order to increase acceptance among the population. The Technologie-Transfer-Zentrum, ttz (Technology Transfer Centre, ttz) in Bremerhaven, Germany, is aiming to develop and locally implement a realizable model
with 21 partners from Europe and Asia, within the EU project ISSOWAMA (Integrated Sustainable Solid Waste Management in Asia). The project was officially launched in Bangkok on February 11 and 12.

Foto: ttz(01.06.2010) With its integrative approach, progress in waste management can also help promote the alleviation of poverty and encourage improvements in state welfare. As such, researchers, government representatives, waste management specialists and representatives from non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the ISSOWAMA project are jointly searching for solutions. The formation of a network and a web-based platform of experts should serve to promote exchange between the Asian and European experts, weigh up possibilities as regards expansion, and determine steps on the road towards implementation. "Constraints like technological knowledge gaps, ecologically negative implications and barriers on both the socio-economic and political levels are being identified and dismantled with target-oriented measures. The constant involvement of local public authorities and formative forces will increase regional acceptance," Dr Gerhard Schories, head of water, energy and landscape management at the ttz Bremerhaven, is convinced.
Great importance is not only accorded to high-ranking government officials, but also to the informal key figures, known to and accepted by the population. The project coordinator, ttz Bremerhaven, acts as a connecting link throughout these activities. "The ttz Bremerhaven has already organized and managed numerous comparable coordination projects in Europe, Africa and Latin America. Such a 'coordination action' enables the bundling of forces for a certain time, as well as the initiation of developments for which the locals will feel responsible beyond the duration of the project," states Project Manager Barbara de Mena from the ttz Bremerhaven. This also requires the transfer of know-how which reinforces the appreciation for cost-efficient technical solutions and sparks the imagination during identifying solutions.
For the time being, the project team will analyze and evaluate the potential of existing activities in the field of solid waste management in Asia. The criterion of sustainability will also apply to all activities, as will a quantitative estimate of the achieved improvements in waste management. In order to trace the main waste flows, case studies will be examined and different scenarios appraised so as to derive recommendations for action. The development of guidelines for waste management in Asia is a main objective of the project. Related technical, legal, socio-economic and financial issues must be clarified. The aim is to expand and strengthen an industry which introduces sustainable disposal solutions into regional markets.
This is to be the basis for the development of effective strategies for Bangladesh, India, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Indonesia and the Philippines. In order to replicate the knowledge and make it available at grass-roots level, the results will be communicated in local information workshops and training materials. The European Union is promoting the project within the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) by providing 990,000 euros over a timespan of just under three years.

Author: Britta Rollert, ttz Bremerhaven (Germany)
Foto: ttz

Copyright: © Deutscher Fachverlag (DFV)
Quelle: Entsorga China 01_2010 (Juni 2010)
Seiten: 1
Preis inkl. MwSt.: € 0,00
Autor: Britta Rollert

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