The Role of Brussels in Waste Legislation throughout the European Union

The EU's influence on environmental legislation in Europe is hard to understate. It is assumed that over 80% of all legislation touching environmental issues in the EU is actually derived from EU Directives or other EU Actions.

Is Brussels that powerful? Can the EU be a vector for environmental protection or is it a forum where lobbyists dominate to maintain a maybe questionable status quo?

The EU Institutions enact the most ambitious environmental legislation on the planet, nudging the world’s largest trading bloc to develop environmentally-friendly technologies. At the same time, many initiatives launched by the EU, even when translated into legally binding measures in the Member states, remain little more than good intentions.

As Secretary General of ESWET, Mr. Patrick Clerens has extensive experience in the dialogue that stakeholders (NGOs, media, lobbies, representations) such as ESWET maintain with the EU, which is itself composed of various bodies, that do not always share the same interests. This paper will therefore explain the role and powers of each of the three Major EU Institutions (Commission, Parliament and Council) and give examples of their action – successful or not – in the field of Waste legislation that affects the whole EU.

Copyright: © Thomé-Kozmiensky Verlag GmbH
Quelle: Waste Management, Volume 3 (Oktober 2012)
Seiten: 8
Preis inkl. MwSt.: € 0,00
Autor: Patrick Clerens
Dipl.-Phys. Ph.D. Edmund Fleck
Guillaume Perron-Piché

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