Ecological and economic benefits of compost and digestate products

European soils are systematically degrading. The European Soil Strategy urges more attention to the need for organic matter in soil: 45% of the soils in Europe show a lack of organic matter. This is also a problem in Flanders: almost 50% of the soils are below the target of organic matter. A range of measures is necessary for restoring the organic matter content: green manures, crop residues, organic fertilizer and soil improvers will all be needed. It is therefore of great importance that in the future sufficiently high amounts of quality composts and digestate products are produced, because these have shown to be excellent sources of stable organic matter and/or contribute to the soil fertility and food supply.

The benefits of compost and digestate are numerous:

• High quantity of stable organic carbon

• (Slow release) nutrients

• Improves soil structure

• Improves water management of the soil

• Reduces soil erosion

• Reduces the emission of greenhouse gases

• Stimulates soil life (plant protection against diseases)

Although the benefits of compost and digestate have been proved, the prices for compost and digestate are rather low. Vlaco calculated the economic value (intrinsic value) of compost and digestate (e.g. 55 euro/ton green compost or 130,98 euro/ton dried digestate). Beside this economic value Vlaco calculated also the possible reduction of greenhouse gases by using compost and digestate products instead of mineral fertilizers or non-renewable raw materials. This calculation gives important data to be used in life cycle assessment to compare sustainability of different fertilizing strategies.

Copyright: © European Compost Network ECN e.V.
Quelle: Orbit 2014 (Juni 2014)
Seiten: 0
Preis inkl. MwSt.: € 0,00
Autor: Elka Vandaele
Kristel Vandenbroek
Wim Vanden Auweele
Ingrid Vandenbroucke
Christophe Boogaerts

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