Animal manure is one of the major agricultural wastes and its management is associated with negative impacts onglobal warming, acidification and eutrophication of natural ecosystems.These impacts are accentuated because some areas in Europe receive excessive amounts of animal manure. These socalledhotspot areas are characterized by high livestock densities and insufficient land for manure utilisation, resultingin phosphorus and nitrogen surpluses in these areas, with associated risks for losses to the environment. In other areas, the nutrients from manure are insufficient to maintain production, leading to a need to apply mineral fertilizers.
Further Author:
L. S. Jensen - University of Copenhagen
Thisleads to the use of non-renewable natural resources for the production of the mineral fertilizer. To decrease theconsumption of mineral fertilizer and avoid losses from areas with excessive availability of animal manure, thegeographical distribution of nutrients in animal manure needs to improve.To achieve this, slurry treatment technologies have been developed that focus on the separation of slurry into a solidand a liquid fraction. The liquid fraction contains most of the easily available nitrogen but less than half of thephosphorus, so is mainly valued as a nitrogen fertilizer. However, the high water content in the liquid fraction, makesthis fraction less suitable for long distance transportation. Agricultural land nearby the farm often has been treated withslurry for multiple years, which implies that phosphorus concentrations in the soil are already sufficiently high to supplythe crop demand. The solid fraction is more transportable, due to its relatively low water content. It has a highconcentration of slowly-available nitrogen and phosphorus, so is mainly valuable as a phosphorus fertilizer. . Additionaltechnologies that are developed to avoid environmental impacts include ammonia stripping from the liquid fraction,various technologies for energy extraction and upgrading of the solid fraction.The objective of this study is to compare slurry treatment technologies in a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to see whichtechnologies are associated with the lowest environmental impacts.The LCA assesses the treatment of 1000 kg of slurry ex animal and provides an overview of natural resourceconsumption and potential impacts on the environment of five different scenarios. These scenarios are (a) direct landapplication (baseline scenario), (b) solid liquid separation by mechanical screw press, (c) screw press separation andcomposting of the solid fraction, (d) solid liquid separation by decanter centrifuge, and (e) decanter centrifugeseparation with ammonia stripping of the liquid fraction. In the first scenario, all manure is applied to agricultural landnearby the farm. In the other scenarios, the solid fraction is transported to agricultural land 100 km away from the farm.In general, the treatment technologies analysed in this LCA show environmental impact potential reduction. The onlyscenario that seems to have a higher impact potential, and only with respect to the global warming potential, is thescenario with screw press separation and composting of the solid fraction. The decanter centrifuge scenarios have equalor lower impact potentials than the screw press scenarios. The choice of the technology to implement in any givensituation depends on the environmental problem in focus. If the problem is a modest phosphorus surplus, a screw pressseparator could be useful, but larger surpluses might require the more efficient phosphorus separation possible with acentrifuge. If there is also a problem with ammonia volatilization, ammonia stripping could be considered. Compostingof the solid fraction does not appear to be an advantage in this analysis, although it may hold other advantages such as easy storage, reduced odour and lower transportation costs.
Copyright: | © European Compost Network ECN e.V. | |
Quelle: | Orbit 2012 (Juni 2012) | |
Seiten: | 5 | |
Preis inkl. MwSt.: | € 5,00 | |
Autor: | Marieke Ten Hoeve Sander Bruun Nicholaus John Hutchings Torben René Jensen | |
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