Case study of an MBT producing SRF for cement kiln cocombustion, coupled with a bioreactor landfill for process residues

The research focuses on the performances of a traditional single stream MBT for SRF production suitable for co-combustion in a cement kiln. Bio-drying of the residual waste is followed by mechanical refining in order to fulfil the quality requirements by the cement kilns. The residues arising from the mechanical refining section are landfilled in a nearby bioreactor-landfill, where landfill gas is collected for electric energy recovery. A detailed mass balance of the system is presented, followed by a Life Cycle Assessment.

The paper builds up from previous experiences on Mechanical-Biological Treatment (MBT) technologies applied to the residual waste focused on energy recovery from there sidual waste (CONSONNI ET AL., 2005A AND 2005B). A huge literature exists on this topic, which can be summarised in the following key findings:
• production of Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) in MBT plants is the preferred Option when industrial plants suitable for its co-combustion are available at a reasonable distance, and when Global Warming Potential is targeted with high priority
• such plants, which encompass cement kilns and coal-fired power plants, need tobe state-of-the art facilities, equipped with Best Available Techniques (BAT)
• some concerns might arise for the pollutants for which the abatement Technologies available in the industrial plants are not as effective as those installed in traditional
Waste-to-Energy plants
• the energy and environmental effectiveness of WTE plants treating the ResidualWaste (RW) in competing with SRF co-combustion is strongly driven by electricand thermal energy production efficiency of the former.
The above mentioned considerations were confirmed by a detailed LCA study carried out on the most important Italian experience of SRF production and co-combustion in acoal-fired power plant (RIGAMONTI ET AL., 2012). The present research is devoted to asimilar assessment, where two major differences are:
• SRF is co-combusted in a cement kiln fed with petcoke
• The MBT plant is coupled with a landfill, where the residues are disposed and where landfill gas is collected following a landfill bioreactor management approach,which allows for an enhanced performance of the anaerobic Degradation process and a higher (and quicker) landfill gas yield.

Copyright: © Wasteconsult International
Quelle: Waste-to-Resources 2015 (Mai 2015)
Seiten: 10
Preis inkl. MwSt.: € 5,00
Autor: Mario Grosso
L. Rigamonti
Dr. Sergio Scotti

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