Landfill mining option: MBT role and landfill potential danger

The use of landfills for the disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW) has many technical and regulatory limits. An interesting solution is to recover the bales that have been previously stored in a landfill. After specific mechanical biological treatments (MBT), the contents of the bales can be used to produce a solid recovered fuel (SRF) that can be used for energy purposes. The possibility of producing SRF fuels from a landfill in northern Italy has been studied and is presented in this paper. The MSW extracted from the landfill, the bio-dried material produced by the waste hypothetically treated in a plant for bio-drying, and the SRF obtained after the extraction of inert materials, metals and glass from the bio-dried material have been characterized. Assessed the waste nature, the potential environmental impact of dioxin release from a possible landfill fire has been analysed, applying the Austal2000 model system.

The European Union (EU) legislation puts landfills in the last place in the waste Management hierarchy and in the first places material and energy recovery together with a highly efficient decrease in the landfill of biodegradable materials. In recent years the focus on landfill reclamation has increased, also referred to as landfill mining. Landfill mining (LFM) involves the excavation, transfer, and processing of buried material taken from an active or closed (generally unlined) landfill (Hogland et al., 2004). After waste excavation, the conditioning treatment can take place either directly on the landfill or in a mechanical biological treatment (MBT) plant.“Bio-drying” is an MBT approach that exploits the biological reactivity of the waste in order to produce a material with an improved lower heating value (LHV) thanks to the moisture reduction. Either with or without some post-treatment, this material can be considered as a solid recovered fuel (SRF), which can be used for energy production in industrial plants . The SRF definition was introduced in Italy by the Italian Decree 205/2010. Its classification system for SRFs in based on limit values for three important fuel properties: LHV, chlorine and mercury. With the Ministerial Decree no. 22/2013 only some SRF typescan achieve ‘End of Waste’ status and that also under specific conditions. This new SRF in Italy was named “combustible SRF”.

Copyright: © Wasteconsult International
Quelle: Waste-to-Resources 2015 (Mai 2015)
Seiten: 12
Preis inkl. MwSt.: € 0,00
Autor: Dr.-Ing. Dipl. Elena Cristina Rada
Dr.-Ing. Dipl. Marco Ragazzi
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Vincenzo Torretta
Ing. Giorgia Passamani

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