EurUp 02/2014

Relevanz von Verfahrensfehlern und Anlagensicherheit
Prof. Dr. Klaus Ferdinand Gärditz
Anmerkung zum Atomkraftwerk Biblis-Beschluss des BVerwG vom 20.12.2013 – 7 B 18.13
Wasserrahmenrichtlinie und Rechtsetzungsföderalisierung in Spanien
Prof. Dr. Klaus Ferdinand Gärditz
Anmerkung zu EuGH, Urteil vom 24. Oktober 2013 – C-151/12
EU-rechtliche Spielräume für eine Begrenzung der Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung in UVP-pflichtigen Verfahren
Prof. Dr. Alexander Schink
The public participation in licensing procedures for project participation has been extended in § 25 para. 3 Administrative Procedures Act by a voluntary early public participation. More improvements are on the political agenda. In this context, wonders what requirements and sets limits to EU law for public participation. These are essentially determined by the EIA Directive and the AK. The scope for the national legislature to reduce public participation are then low. They consist essentially in a 1./.1 Implementation of EU law which allows a waiver of the canvass schedule and a public participation where it is not prescribed by EU law.


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