Hazardous waste management in Turkey; an overview

Beside air pollution and wastewater problems, the industrial waste (hazardous waste) is a significant problem in industrialized areas. It is generally known that inappropriate waste disposal will lead sooner or later to polluted areas with polluted groundwater. The remediation of such areas is very expensive and not very effective. Regarding to the hazardous waste treatment in Turkey, there is only one integrated hazardous waste treatment plant which is located in Izmit and called IZAYDAS (Izmit Waste and Residue Treatment, Incineration and Recycling Co Inc.) with annual incineration capacity of 35,000 ton/year and landfill capacity of 20.000 t/y.

As it is briefly explained in this study, the capacity of the hazardous waste treatment in Turkey is not sufficient to treat whole waste. Arising from this point, MoEF has prepared a proposed management system, which is explained in Chapter 3.3, in order to increase hazardous waste treatment capacity. With the reference of this proposed system, some private sector companies (mostly Turkish comp.) started the planning section of the hazardous waste treatment plant in these proposed 5 areas.

Copyright: © Universität Stuttgart - ISWA
Quelle: TAKAG 2008 - İZMİR (November 2008)
Seiten: 16
Preis inkl. MwSt.: € 8,00
Autor: Professor Dr.-Ing. Oktay Tabasaran

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