Abfalltage | |
9. Recyclingtage 2012 | |
Abfalltage 2008 | |
Abfalltage 2006 |
I think we will all agree that the move away from landfill as a primary disposal route for household waste is widely accepted across Europe where it is now seen as the least sustainable disposal option to be used as a last resort. Recycling targets and other performance indicators, fiscal drivers, including landfill tax, and restrictions on amounts of wastes that can be landfilled (with severe penalties for exceeding these) are now driving communities to provide more sustainable ways of dealing with waste. Whilst most people agree they don’t want landfill.
They don’t necessarily agree on anything else to take its place! The purpose of the presentation is draw on some of the key lessons learned over the last three decades and how some of these are very important considerations in planning for new infrastructure today. In doing this I want to draw on my experiences in working in Two County Councils in Southern England, a Council Joint partnership in Northern Ireland and for a Major International Wastes Management Company. Waste Strategy 2007 and the Review set down key policy drivers. The total waste arisings are more than 200 mtpa with approx 10% produced from households. The average household recycling rate is 40% with most authorities aiming to recycle 45 -50 % within the next five years. Many aspire to achieve 60% plus by 2020. The EU Waste Framework directive has set the scene for reducing waste to landfill by providing targets to ban certain waste types and to restrict the amounts of putrescible waste to landfill by using a series of targets related to a base year. Local Authorities face severe fines in addition to an escalating landfill tax if they do not reduce the landfilling of household waste. Apart from prevention and recycling the alternative to landfill is to treat waste. There is no government preferred treatment technology but Waste Strategy 2007 and the review 2011 does outline the benefits of Anaerobic Digestion as part of a Waste Management Service.
Copyright: | © Arbeitsgemeinschaft Stoffspezifische Abfallbehandlung ASA e.V. | |
Quelle: | 9. Recyclingtage 2012 (September 2012) | |
Seiten: | 7 | |
Preis inkl. MwSt.: | € 3,50 | |
Autor: | Phillip Russell | |
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