Cuando decimos "energía rural", el común de las personas y, lo que es más grave, prácticamente todos los especialistas, nos traducen y leen "electrificación rural"; traducen y leen "elevadas inversiones, baja demanda, subvenciones de bajo impacto, insostenibilidad"; leen "frustraciones y fracasos"; traducen y equivocan el sentido de nuestro mensaje. Porque no es de esto que tratamos de hablar exclusivamente, ni siquiera principalmente.
Copyright: | © CINER | |
Quelle: | E & D 6 (Septiembre 1994) (September 1994) | |
Seiten: | 2 | |
Preis inkl. MwSt.: | € 0,00 | |
Autor: | César Sevilla | |
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Entwicklung eines sektoralen Ansatzes zum Aufbau von nachhaltigen Abfallwirtschaftssystemen in Entwicklungsländern vor dem Hintergrund von Klimawandel und Ressourcenverknappung
© Eigenbeiträge der Autoren (8/2012)
Der Aufbau von Abfallwirtschaftssystemen steckt in den meisten Entwicklungs- (EL), Transformations- (TL) und Schwellenländern (SL) noch immer in den Anfängen. Obwohl bereits etwa seit den 70er Jahren die internationalen Geber Anstrengungen zur Entwicklung umweltverträglicher Entsorgungssysteme in den EL unternommen haben, sind die erreichten Ergebnisse bisher eher ernüchternd.
bifa-Text Nr. 56: Entsorgung gefährlicher Abfälle in Bayern. Eine ökobilanzielle Analyse mit Kostenbetrachtung
© bifa Umweltinstitut GmbH (3/2012)
Im Auftrag des Bayerischen Staatsministeriums für Umwelt und Gesundheit (StMUG) hat die bifa Umweltinstitut GmbH (bifa) 18 in einer Vorstudie ausgewählte gefährliche Abfälle in einer Ökobilanz betrachtet. Ziel war die Schaffung einer Grundlage zur Bewertung der ökologischen Wirkungen der Entsorgung gefährlicher Abfälle in Bayern und zur Identifizierung von Optimierungsansätzen.
Investing in Adaptation: Mobilising Private Finance for Adaptation in Developing States
© Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH (6/2011)
This contribution looks at public and private financing of climate change adaptation from an equity perspective. Having set out the key concepts and provided an overview of the current international legal framework for adaptation, it considers ways in which the current funding shortfall for adaptation could be filled, including through reform of the CDM. Bearing in mind the currently unrealized potential of this instrument to support equitable adaptation activities in developing countries, the paper explores the idea that “bonus CERs” could be awarded to projects supporting adaptation. Ultimately, both in relation to the CDM and more generally, the paper concludes that mobilizing private sector finance for adaptation will require “nuanced, hybrid approaches utilizing both incremental regulatory shifts and market mechanisms.”
Reform of the Clean Development Mechanism: Where Should We Head For?
© Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH (6/2011)
The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) has been a great success in promoting mitigation projects in developing countries in the past several years. However, for various reasons, there have also been many calls for reform of the CDM. The international community has agreed that the CDM should continue and could be improved, but has not reached an agreement on the way forward. One of the issues under intensive debate is whether to create new market mechanisms, namely sectoral mechanisms. Regardless of what future agreement on this aspect would be, both lessons from the CDM practice and issues related to the operationalization of the possible new mechanisms should be fully taken into consideration. One possible solution could be developing a flexible system that suits the different situations in different countries and/or sectors.
The Influence of Chinese Climate Policy & Law on Africa
© Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH (12/2010)
The economic influence of China on Africa has been apparent for some time, has this influence spread into the sphere of climate policy and law? This article considers the development and implementation of Chinese climate change policy and law and whether lessons can be drawn from the Chinese experience and be effectively applied to African countries. The analysis is made against the backdrop of development in China and Africa, Chinese development efforts and co-operation with African countries, and takes into account the wide differences in the levels of economic and social development of those countries.