Flexible Transport Services for environmental and sustainable urban mobility: the INTERREG IVC FLIPPER project

Flexible Transport Services (FTS) have proved to be an advantageous solution in integrating and complementing the provision of conventional public transport services in order to reduce pollution and congestion whilst increasing the social cohesion and encouraging sustainable economic growth
especially in urban and metropolitan areas.

The European Regional Co-operation Programme INTERREG IVC recently launched the FLIPPER project to address a key factor of eco-sustainable and competitive development and social cohesion of European areas and Regions through the investigation, exchange of experience, transfer of good practice and profitable co-operation on FTS in relation to mobility in cities, rural areas and mid-sized towns. This paper outlines the role which FTS could play in the urban and metropolitan area by (a) integrating and expanding the overall collective transport offer; and (b) complementing the other transport modes in a perspective of “comodality” as pursued by the European Commission from the Lisbon Agenda. The concept of FTS and in particular of DRT is provided with the presentation of the FLIPPER project objectives and approach. The main part of the paper focuses on the concept of “Large-Scale FTS Agency” as an unique co-ordination centre for managing different flexible transport services in urban areas (planning, operation, integration), in order to improve the overall public transport service offer to make urban areas more sustainable and less congested.

Copyright: © Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Quelle: 2nd International Conference 2009 (Juni 2009)
Seiten: 7
Preis inkl. MwSt.: € 5,00
Autor: Giorgio Ambrosino
Prof. John D. Nelson
Bruno Bastogi
Dora Ramazzotti
S. Cerri

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